To make sure you can easily distribute the Spencer application to your employees, we provide you a download page especially for your organization. This way you have to communicate only one single link in your communication towards your employees.

The download page

The download page is your go-to place when trying to install Spencer. It's branded for you organization and a dedicated url is available: Depending on your organization's configuration, download buttons will be available for each specific platform.


When a user selects Android, he is redirected to the Play Store.


When a user selects iOS, he will be redirected to a page where he can request an installation code for the App Store. This can be done in two ways: via an email (default), or via SMS.

More information about the Apple Business manager and redemption codes can be found here:
How to create an Apple Business Manager account for distribution through redemption codes
How to generate redemption codes inside Apples Business Manager

Requesting a code

When requesting an iOS installation code, the following information needs to be provided: 

     - Email address / Phone number where you want to receive the code
     - One of the supported countries (that have installation codes available)

The user can click on the Send my App Store link to continue.

☝️Important: None of the information that is provided by the user is stored in our database. We will only use this information once to send out the email or text message.

The user will receive an email or SMS containing an App Store code & link. The user can manually enter the code in the App Store to redeem, or he can have it all done automagically ✨ by clicking on Open in App Store. This will trigger the automatic flow from Apple to redeem codes. A manual confirmation is required.