
This page contains information on how to create a survey in Spencer, on this page you'll find: 

Why should I use a survey? 

With a survey, you can ask your end-users for input, feedback. Below some example of useful surveys:

  • What are your opinions on our last news publication?
  • Share your concerns about going back to work after COVID-19
  • Monthly feedback round
  • Was this new publication relevant for you?

You have the option to directly link a survey to your news publication.

Now that we got you convinced of the use of a survey, let's start, shall we?!

Survey overview

You can browse to the survey overview by clicking on surveys in the back office. This will bring you to the survey overview where all your surveys will be displayed.

  • Survey type: External or Spencer. More information about this in the creation flow.
  • Type: card or linked survey (indicates whether it has a card or is going to be linked to a news publication) The combination is possible.
  • Status: ongoing, completed or expired when an expiry date is provided in the survey
  • Completion: answered/total amount of users if the survey is targetted upfront.
  • Creation date: the date of survey creation.

Start  creation flow

Start the creation flow by clicking on create a survey from the overview. You'll be presented with the option to build your own, or an external survey

Create your own vs an external survey

When you build your own, you'll build a survey inside Spencer with the survey builder.
The external survey allows you to create a survey in a  different tool like SurveyMonkey, and display it in Spencer by using the public link of the selected tool.

It is important to highlight that with external surveys we can't display any reporting as this is being registered inside the external tool.

Survey details

In the details tab, we'll complete some generic information about the survey. By default, we have the customer's default language selected (English in the demo case).

You can change it by clicking on the default language and select a different language (as demonstrated below)

We'll continue in English in our demo. As you've noticed you can also add a different language when you select Add Language. We'll pick dutch in this example. The general idea is, that you build your survey directly in all the languages needed.

We'll continue with English and Dutch.

You can fill in the title & descriptionboth will become visible for the end-user. Once you've completed this information for the selected languages, we'll continue in the builder tab, where the real magic happens.

Survey builder

In the survey builder, we build our survey. We start from an empty canvas and provide you all the blocks to create your survey. Make  sure you read through the general ideas in the survey build and the supported types

General ideas

Below described some general insights in the builder logic:

  • You build up your survey by adding a block after block.
  • You translate your questions per selected language directly in your block (Explained further below) 
  • Each block is represented per selected language. It isn't possible to create a different structure for English than for Dutch. 
  • You'll get a warning icon next to each block not translated for a specific language

Supported types

Both Forms & Surveys shared the Spencer Form builder, you can get an overview of all supported types on our Form Builder types page.

In the survey builder, you can create multiple pages. For each page, you can create a page header. This makes it possible to break up your survey in sections like "general questions" "Health care 1/5", "Health care 2/5".
Click on Page header to create a header as demonstrated below.

Manage pages

In the survey builder, you can create a new page for your survey by clicking on Add new page (demonstrated below). This option becomes available after at least 1 element has been added to the first page.

Swap element to a different page

In the survey builder, it is possible to swap elements from one page to the other by clicking on the 3 lines (burger) icon and drag it as demonstrated below 

Survey settings

Alright, you have build your survey, almost ready to publish!
In the settings tab, you can tweak:


In the audience section, you have the option to publish it to everyone in your company or specify a specific user list.
Depending on the selected option it will be displayed differently on the reporting page.


With visibility, you can decide if you want an extra card in the feed or not. If you select this option you can also decide if you want to send out a push. When selected, the survey will have the type card in the overview. You can still link it to a news publication though.

Expiry date

You can set an expiry date for a survey. This means from that day we'll no longer accept submissions and it will be displayed to the end-user the survey is expired.  The expiry date is optional, if a date isn't selected it will never expire. 

Additional settings

With the additional settings, you can decide if a user can update his answers or submit an answer anonymously. If the last one is checked you won't see the name but you'll see the site. 

Publish the survey

Now that your survey is complete the only thing left for you is to click on publish. You'll be guided back to the overview page, well-done captain, you've created a survey!