
This page describes the 3 ways you can create a user list. 

User lists are an essential part of restricting content to specific audience segments. There are 3 user list types:

  1. Dynamic user list: rule-based list of users, automatically updated
    (e.g. all users who work in the Finance department, stationed in the Brussels office)

  2. Static user list: hand-selected list of users, not automatically updated

  3. CSV user list: csv-selected list of users, not automatically updated

Table of content:

Required roles

  • Super admin 
  • Segmentation User List Admin

Dynamic user list

To create a Dynamic user list navigate to Users > User lists and click New user list.

Select Create automated list.

You’ve now opened the Dynamic list builder. Here you can create user lists based on any number of personal criteria Spencer knows about your users. For example, give me all users who work in Department X and have Job title Y.

Select a first user fields you want to segment on. For the purpose of this guide, we’re looking at the November Five user audience, which is an umbrella covering different innovative companies. Chief amongst them, yours truly, Spencer.
Select user field Company and select a value (Spencer in this case). You’ll notice a user count at the bottom left, indicating how many users are in your list based on the currently selected criteria.

Let’s drill down a little further and create a segment of Engineers working at Spencer. 

Note, this is a list of people who work at Spencer AND who have the job title Engineer. You’ll notice the user count got updated as well.

Now, let’s say we also want to include Engineers who work at Gorilla (sister company of Spencer, another spin-off of our parent company November Five). Click Add option (under “Compay is Spencer”) and select Gorilla.

Note, this is a list of people who work at Spencer OR Gorilla, AND who have the job title Engineer. You’ll once more notice the user count got updated as well.

To remove any of criteria statement simply click the bin icon. 

To continue creating your Dynamic user list click Next.

You’ll navigate to the final user list creation screen. Here you can:

  1. Get an overview of all included users (tip: search for users to by name to verify everyone is included)

  2. Provide a descriptive name for your list, which your admins will recognize when they’re configuring access restriction on content like news publications, documents, or links.

Hit Save list to continue, which will bring you back to the user lists overview.

Static user list  

To create a Static user list navigate to Users > User lists and click New user list.

Select Create manual list.

You’ve now opened the Static list builder. Here you can hand-select one or more users from your entire audience.

Select the desired set of users. You’ll notice the user count got updated as well. Click Next.

Provide a descriptive name for your list and hit Save list.

CSV user list

To create a CSV user list navigate to Users > User lists and click New user list.

Select Upload CSV.

Start by downloading the CSV template.

You’ll notice the CSV template:

  1. Includes only two columns: identifier & source

  2. Is comma-delimited

  3. Is ascii-encoded

Now let’s say we want to create a CSV to make a list of the same 3 users as before (cfr creating a static list), namely Anthony Wijnen, Alexander Deruwe, and Arne Stockmans. Open Users > User management.

To quickly find “Anthony” add a First name filter. Select Anthony Wijnen.

On the user’s detail page, you’re looking for two fields – namely External ID and Source. For Anthony that’s “101473794065053336406” and “gsuite-users-spencer-novemberfive” respectively. 

Repeat the above for all other users you want to include and update your user CSV file. Make sure to not alter the CSV’s properties (format, delimiter, encoding).

Upload the updated user CSV in the CSV user list builder and click Upload.

The upload process will commence and provide you with a report. If you followed the above steps, you should see that 3 lines were recognised and added to your list. Hit Close.

Provide a descriptive name for your list and hit Save list.

After saving your list you’ll return to the user lists overview.