Required roles

  • News admin

Types of publications 

In  the back-office you'll have 2 types of publications you can create/add

  1. An article created in the back-office
  2. An external , linking to a blog post or website.

An internal article

#1 Publication overview 

Click on Publications under Company news and click on New article.

#2 Choose type of article 

#3 Fill in article details

Fill out all mandatory fields for the default language:

  1. Title

  2. Author 

  3. Content

Optional fields:

  1. Featured image (see media guidelines)

  2. Documents (attach a document from your Spencer Document library)

  3. Attachments (attach a document from your local desktop)

You can find an overview of all supported filetypes on the here-

Optionally fill out all mandatory fields for one or more other supported languages. You can opt to keep the same Feature image, documents, and attachments as in the primary language, or you can provide a localized version.

*Note the blue check mark next to the tab title Article details. You’ve successfully entered all required content in this screen, and are ready to proceed to the next step. Click Article settings to continue.

#4 Configure article settings

In article settings you can categorize publications per topic and limit accessibility by selecting one or more user lists. You’ll need to select at least one topic, but are free to choose many. You can optionally select one or more user lists. If you don’t limit the audience, the article will be accessible to all users.

Click Publish settings to continue.

#5 Configure article settings 

You’re almost ready to publish. Final decisions to make are

  •  a - when to publish
  •  b whether to accompany your new publication with a push notification.

You can decide to publish right away by selecting Now.

Alternatively, you can select Scheduled to publish at some later predefined time.

Finally, you can opt to send out a push notification to the entire audience that has access to this publication by checking Push notification. Note that delivery of the push notification can vary between 5 to 10 minutes.

Hit Publish to publish your publication (or Schedule if you’re publishing it later).

Confirm with Publish, which will take you back to the publications overview where you’ll see the status changed to Published.

An External article  

To create an external article, linking to a blog post or website, simply select Create weblink.

Filled out a title, a valid URL (incl http(s)://), optionally a featured image and click Publish.

When an end-user opens this external article, an in-app browser will load the specified website.